This BLOG is the product of the "LET'S LEARN BY PLAYING" (LLP) project which is developing as a Grundtvig European Project since September 2008 by the patners of six institutions belonging to six different countries. The project started at a first contact seminar held in Riga (Latvia).

The main objective of the partnership is create a HANDBOOK or TEACHER MANUAL with drama activities and interactive games.

Here you have the results of our work, the activities, games, and new approaches into Foreign languages teaching-learning.

We hope these materials are useful for you and we encourage you to put some of the activities into practice with your students and feel free to send us your feed-back and suggestions.

Project coordinator.


FRANCE: Lycee du Cleusmeur
GREECE: Environmental Education Centre of Filippi
ITALY: Istituto Tecnico "Alessandro Volta"
LITHUANIA: Alytaus Dailuju Amatu Mokykla
SPAIN: Combining Learning Acting and Playing
TURKEY: Urla Halk Egitimi Merkezi

Monday, 26 April 2010



Learners/players = “cats” (a group not less than 6 people) stand in a circle rather close to each other. The one who starts the game has a small ball in his hands. He/she tries to find out the faulty cat = a mouse. The leader throws the ball to the player in front and says the question. The player in front catches the ball and says the answer. The one who gives the right answer is “a cat”; the one who doesn’t know the answer or gives a wrong answer is “a mouse” and has to escape. “The mouse” runs outside the circle with the ball in hands, and “the cat” tries to catch it. The players in the circle keep their hands behind them waiting for the ball. “The mouse” aims to get back to “its” place and, meanwhile, puts the ball into the hands of any player in the circle. “The mouse” and “the cat” get back to the circle; the player with the ball in hands starts the game anew.

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